Information Cards

Information Cards are like digital versions of the cards in your wallet.  You can make personal cards for signing in to websites – they are like passwords but are much harder to steal. Personal cards are stored on your computer, and you can use a single card to sign into multiple websites.

You can also download managed cards from organizations like banks, associations, and businesses. When you want to prove something about yourself to a website, for instance “I am a member of club X” or “I work for company Y”, show that website a managed card. A managed card is stored on your computer, but the information it conveys is not.

Using software like Windows CardSpace, you control which cards you get and how you use them. There is no centralized service and no one tracking how or when you use your cards – that information is between you, the card issuer, and the websites where you share your cards.

Does my system support Information Cards?

A quick check of your system indicates that your system already supports information cards.

A quick check of your system revealed that your browser does not yet support information cards.

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